Monte in the Morning
Wakin’ Up With The Wolf
Hey Gang, Monte Here! WOW you know it’s hard to believe that I have been in the radio business for nearly 40 years doing everything from ownership to sweeping the floors, but by far my favorite thing to do in radio is talk with all the great listeners we have…Not only on the air but at remotes and special events even in the parking lot of one of the Wal-Mart Super Centers in Shreveport, Louisiana…it’s true a lady from the bootheel was with her husband in Shreveport and heard me yelling across the parking lot at my wife Terry and came over and we talked for a while in the middle of the parking lot. That’s what makes radio so special to me! My wife Terry and I have been blessed with 4 great kids and 4 grand kids. We lost Cheley Dog not to long ago! For nearly 20 years it has been my honor to serve you and hope to be able to continue that for years to come. As for pictures, I’m giving you a mixture of everything from radio to family to whatever. By the way I am a die hard Cardinals and Star Trek fan (infact grew up that way) love movies and wished all the time everyone in my family was closer so I could spend more time with them. If you get a chance drop me a line at monte@ktmoradio.com I would love to hear from you!
And don’t forget to join Charles and I each morning right here on The Wolf!!