Local News

Hometown News Headlines

Here are the headlines for Tuesday, July 16: Barry will still bother a good many of us today. A Caruthersville teenager was killed in a one vehicle traffic accident. School will start later next year, and we

Hometown News Headlines

Here are the headlines for Monday, July 15: Barry brings along flash flood watches for the area through Tuesday. A Kennett man died after falling into the St. Francis River Friday night. There’s a new full department

Hometown News Headlines

Here are the headlines for Friday, July 12: The nephew of a 70 year old Dyersburg man is in jail, accused of his murder. Hot weather days are busy ones for the Kennett Humane Department. Missouri’s auditor

Hometown News Headlines

Here are the headlines for Thursday, July 11: Cars stalled in several locations around Kennett Thursday during a thunderstorm that produced heavy rain. A two-person experimental plane made an emergency landing in a Butler County rice field.