Commission Awards Contracts for Southeast District Projects


SIKESTON – The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded contracts for the Southeast District during its regular meeting yesterday.

Contracts included the following:

  • A $2,545,000 contract was awarded to Pace Construction Company for pavement improvements on the following routes: Route 158 from Route 67 to Route 142 in Butler County, and; Route 142 from Route HH to Route 53 in Butler County.
  • A $3,300,000 contract was awarded to Pace Construction Company for pavement improvements and the addition of rumble stripes on the following routes: Business 60 from Route 60 to Route 114 in New Madrid County, Route BB from Route ZZ to Route 114 in Scott County, and; Route ZZ from the beginning of state maintenance to Route 61 in Scott County.
  • A $1,726,602 contract was awarded to James H. Drew Corporation for sign replacements on major routes throughout the Southeast District.