Public Invited to Discuss Priority Unfunded Transportation Needs


JEFFERSON CITY – The Missouri Department of Transportation is inviting you to join the discussion on priority unfunded transportation needs in their areas.

MoDOT, working with its regional planning partners, has outlined a draft High Priority Unfunded Needs listing, which identifies $1.1 billion in annual unfunded transportation needs for the system. The list was created to guide the development of needs into funded projects as state and federal transportation funds become available in future years.

The public is invited to review the list and provide feedback on the order of priorities that could be funded in the future. A meeting to discuss the draft will be held Tuesday, Aug. 15 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Bootheel Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission in Dexter.

The draft lists include $4.7 billion in road and bridge needs in three tiers.  Several local projects are included in the draft. You can view it on the MoDot website.