Toys for Tots: Requests Up and Donations Down So Far


The Bootheel Toys for Tots Campaign is at a critical point the week before Thanksgiving. Campaign Director Michelle Rasberry says requests are way up, but donations are down.


Usually by now supplemental toys from the national campaign are rolling in, but right now that’s at a trickle due to the supply chain.

They are looking for donations of new, unwrapped toys. You can place them in a toys box at an area business, or they accept cash donations. You can send a cash donation to P.O. Box 724, Kennett, MO 63857. If you’re in Kennett, you can drop off a cash or even a toy donation at the FCC main office on the South By Pass.

The campaign serves Dunkin, Pemiscot, Butler, New Madrid, Ripley, and Mississippi counties.