State Officials Meet with BPW in Kennett

On March 19, 2019, the Kennett Board of Public Works hosted Missouri House Representative Jeff Shawan, Missouri Department of Higher Education Commissioner Zora Mulligan, and Missouri
Department of Economic Development Deputy Director Luke Holtschneider.

At the meeting, the State Dignitaries took time to listen to each attendee’s ideas and concerns that can be addressed at a State level. Following the information exchange, the dignitaries shared how they are working to grow and better Missouri. Representative Shawan shared a bill he is working on to create tax credits for rural Missouri. The bill would provide a great incentive for investors that choose to locate in counties with a population of less than 100,000. While this bill is still in committee, Representative Schwann has high hopes that it will make its way quickly through the House and Senate and on to Governor Parson’s desk for enactment.

Commissioner Mulligan and Deputy Director Holtschneider have been sharing the “Best in the Midwest” campaign across the state. The Department of Higher Education has been tasked with workforce development and are working with partners across the state to ensure that Missourians have the resources they need to have successful careers. The Department of Economic Development is undergoing restructuring and will have staff dedicated and located in six different regions of Missouri, focusing on the unique needs of each region.

The evening concluded with promises that our State Government is at work for all the citizens of Missouri.