Manac Trailers will close Kennett location Thursday

Manac Trailers USA announced that it will close its operations at the Kennett plant located at 1240 Riggs St., on Thursday, January 19, the plant opened in June of 2007.

A company representative told Hometown News that 91 jobs will be lost with the closure, and stated that they planned on consolidating with the plant in Oran, Mo.

Manac Trailers (Staff photo)

Manac Trailers
(Staff photo)

According to the Kennett Chamber of Commerce website a Job Fair will be held for the employees on Friday, January 20, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the American Legion Building located at 1615 1st St, in Kennett, for the laid off workers.

Manac manufactures semi-trailers, including flatbeds and specialty trailers like dumps, grain hoppers, and low beds,according to its website.